Sort by Recently Updated
- Administrative
- Agriculture
- Biota
- Boundaries
- Budget
- Business and Economy
- Demographic
- Education
- Elevation
- Energy and Environment
- Geoscientific
- Government
- Health and Human Services
- Historic
- Housing
- Hydrology
- Imagery
- Location
- Military
- Planning
- Public Safety
- Society
- Structure
- Transportation
- Utility
- Weather
- 000ormore
- 07012022 to 06302023
- 100 block
- 2015
- 2016
- 2020
- 2024
- 20712
- 9-328.1
- 911 calls
- access
- accessible
- accessible homes
- accommodations
- accomodations
- ace
- acf
- acre
- actions
- activation
- active registration
- activity rooms
- acupressure
- acute
- addictions
- adjustment
- admissions
- adolescent
- adolescent program
- adolescents
- adults
- advanced placement
- aerial
- african
- ag conservation
- age group
- age0-9
- agriculture preserve
- agriculture transfer tax
- ahsp
- air and radiation
- airlines
- alarm
- alewife
- all children excel
- allocation
- alzheimers
- american
- analysis
- animal control
- animal control facility
- animal feeding operations division(afo) - complaints
- animal feeding operations division(afo) - violations
- annual report
- antennas
- ap
- appeals
- applications
- apprentice
- aquatics. arts & crafts
- ara violation
- areas
- arma
- arrests
- arts&crafts
- assets
- assistance
- assistedliving
- attainment
- attendence
- attorney
- auction
- automotiverepair
- autorepair
- average percent daily positive rate
- awardee
- awardees
- awe learning
- babies
- bachelor
- ballfields
- bam
- bark ranger park ranger
- basketball courts
- bea
- bed_and_breakfast
- beginner
- bemsart
- benchmarking
- benefit
- benthic
- benthic habitat
- best management practices
- bias
- bikeshare
- billing
- biomass
- birth control
- birth rate
- birthweight
- black and white
- blood lead
- blood lead screening
- blood screening
- blueback
- board of education
- board of public works
- bodyshop
- bodyworks
- boe
- bookings
- booth
- bpw
- breakage
- breweries
- brewers
- brewers association of maryland
- build
- building footprints
- building permits
- buildingregistration
- business lending
- business retention
- business tax
- bypass
- cafo
- call type
- cameras
- campaign contributions
- campaign finance
- camping
- capacity
- capita
- capital expenditures
- capital grants
- capital improvement plan
- capital infrastructure
- carbondioxide
- cards
- care
- caregiver
- caregivers
- cares act
- carrepair
- carseat
- case contacts
- caseload
- cash
- casinos
- cbnerr
- ccrc
- cdbg
- cdc
- cehicle counting
- cell phone repair
- cellphonerepair
- census estimates
- centralprocessingunit
- cerebrovascular disorders
- channels
- charge
- charging
- charity
- chats
- chesapeake bay national estuarine research reserve
- child bllod screening
- child care
- childcare
- childcareorganizations
- childhood
- childhood education
- childhood hunger
- childinvestigations
- children excel
- childservices
- chlamydia
- cholesterol
- chronic
- church
- cl
- clean burning wood stove grants
- clean energy grants
- climate
- closed
- cmecs sc
- coal
- codeenforcement
- coffin
- collateral duty
- color infrared
- color infrrared doq
- columbia
- columbia maryland archives
- columbia village center oakland mills
- comment
- communications
- community anchor insitution
- community college
- community college education higher learning
- community development
- community development block grant
- community legacy
- community legacy areas
- community supervision
- community supervision data template
- community use
- communitycollege
- commute
- commuter
- commuting
- complaint
- completion
- composting
- computer repair
- computerrepair
- condition
- conditionaluse
- conforming
- consign
- consignment
- constructionactivities
- consumer electronics repair
- consumerelectronicsrepair
- content
- continuing care
- continuous
- contraband
- coordinated
- coordinated highways action response team
- copier
- copies
- copying
- correction
- correctional officer
- correspondance
- cost of living
- council district
- councilmanic
- counseling
- count
- counts
- county attorney
- county council
- county hospital alert tracking system
- county open space
- county services
- county_executive
- countybudget
- countycouncil
- courses
- cover crops
- cpu
- crafts
- credit class
- crep
- crimes
- criminal
- culturalorganization
- culturalschools
- cumulative
- custom home
- damage
- dance
- dashboard
- data glossary
- data terminology
- database-usage
- date entered
- day care
- dbed
- dead zones
- delays
- deletion nominated
- delivered
- dementias
- deothermal
- department
- department of agriculture
- department of assessments and taxation
- department of general service
- department of information technology major it
- department of juvenile services
- designated
- desk
- detention
- detour
- developer
- development rights
- device
- dewatering
- dgs template
- dhca
- diabetes mellitus
- diesel cost
- disabled
- disaster
- discharge permits
- discovery room
- diseases of the heart
- disorderlyconduct
- disruptivebehavior
- distilleries
- distress
- diversion
- diy
- documentation
- doortodoor
- drainage
- drill
- drilling
- drivers
- driving
- drugs
- dui arrests
- dwellingunits
- e-cigarette
- e-content
- early
- earnings
- earth
- eastern shore regional gis cooperative
- ebooks
- ecigarette
- economic
- education regions
- educational attainment
- educators
- efficient
- eight
- ellicott city master plan
- ematerials
- emission
- employment summary
- empower maryland
- empower md
- end
- energy benchmark
- energy conservation
- energy consumption
- energy efficency loans
- energy efficiency grants
- energy efficiency retrofits
- energy efficiency upgrades
- energy grant
- energystar
- enforcement actions
- engagement
- enterprise zone
- environmental justice
- error
- esri
- establishment
- establishments
- estatesales
- estimated
- etravel
- evictions
- exception
- excise
- executives
- exemption
- exercise
- ezpass
- facilities data template
- facility-specific data template
- facliities
- family planning
- farm tours
- farmers
- fatal
- fence
- field interview
- financial budget
- financialbudget
- fire department
- fire stations
- firefighter
- first outreach
- first time home ownership
- fiscal year 11
- fiscal year 13
- fiscal year 2015
- fiscal year 2023
- fiscal yearend
- fiscalyear
- fiscalyear12
- flooding
- flowers
- flu vaccine
- flu vacinations
- foliage
- food insecurity
- food security
- food stamps
- forest legacy
- formal bid threshold
- free meals
- fresh
- fresh fruits
- frpp
- fsp
- fuel costs
- fueling
- fulfillment
- full and part time jobs in maryland by industry and by place of work from 2001 to 2040.
- fy
- fy 2015
- fy14
- fy24
- gain
- gallons
- game
- garbage
- gas cost
- gender
- generation
- geography
- geospatial data and analysis
- getting started
- gift
- giving
- go kits
- gohs
- golf
- governor's office of crime control and prevention
- governor's office of homeland security
- grades
- graph
- graveyard
- greenhouse
- greenhouse gas emissions
- gross
- gross domestic product
- group
- growth
- gubernatorial
- guide
- guidelines
- gyms
- habitat
- hammond schools
- harper's choice
- hatecrimes
- health insurance
- healthy people 2020
- hearing officer
- hearingexaminer
- hearings
- heart
- heart disease
- heatingoil
- help
- herring
- hhs
- hickory ridge village
- hickory ridge village center
- high risk census tracts
- higherlearning
- highway
- hire
- historic imagery
- historic resources
- historic sites
- history
- holiday
- home buying
- home construction
- home energy
- home improvement
- home ownership
- home performance rebate program
- home performance upgrades
- home performance with energy star
- homebusiness
- homehealth
- homeland security
- homeloan
- horses
- hosp
- house of delegates
- household age
- households
- households and housing units
- housing rehab
- housinglicensing
- hover
- howard community college
- human_rights
- hunger
- hydric soils
- hydrophytic
- hypertension
- icc
- illegaldumping
- images
- immigration
- immunizations
- incentive zones
- incubator
- indoor
- indoor plumbing
- industrial
- infant mortality rate
- infants
- inmate employment
- inmate obligors
- inn
- instrument
- insurance
- intake
- intergovernmental
- internalaffair
- internalservicefunds
- international
- internet access
- internetspeedtest
- interpreter
- intox
- ipad
- ipp
- irrigation
- isolation
- ispspeed
- issued
- istea
- it
- jails
- journeyman
- judge
- k-12
- kids
- kindergarten
- kings contrivance village plan
- land area
- land management
- land management administration
- land us
- landfill
- landlorddispute
- landord
- landuse
- laptop
- laptop repair
- laptoprepair
- law suits
- lawenforcement
- lawn
- lawnmaintenance
- lawyer
- lead levels
- lease
- legislation
- letters
- lfg
- lgif
- librarian visits
- library card
- library resources
- licensed
- licensed stables
- licesning
- lieep
- life
- liquor licenses
- listing
- littoral draft maps
- live
- live birth
- lives
- lma oil control program
- lma solid waste program enforcement actions
- lma solid waste program permits
- lma-solid waste program-afo enforcement actions
- loan
- loans home ownership
- local government
- local government infrastructure financing
- local governments
- local govt
- lookup
- machine
- mafo
- maht
- malignant neoplasms
- map service
- map. technology
- marbidco
- margin
- marine boundaries
- marine vessels
- markets
- marshalls
- marylad lottery and gaming control agency
- maryland broadband cooperative
- maryland broadband mapping initiative
- maryland department of general services
- maryland department of pla
- maryland department of the environment (mde) - land management administration (lma) afo enforcement actions
- maryland department of the environment (mde) - land management administration (lma) complaints
- maryland department of the environment (mde) - land management administration (lma) oil permits
- maryland department of the environment (mde) - land management administration (lma) solid waste program
- maryland department of the environment (mde) - lma oil control program - inspection
- maryland department of the environment - air and radiation administration (ara) enforcement actions
- maryland department of the environment - air and radiation administration (ara) permits
- maryland department of the environment - land management administration (lma) - afo compliance
- maryland department of the environment - land management administration (lma) - solid waste compliance
- maryland department of the environment - land management administration (lma) - solid waste enforcement actions
- maryland department of the environment - land management administration (lma) - solid waste permits
- maryland department of the environment - land management administration (lma) afo permits
- maryland distillers guild
- maryland historical truct
- maryland institute for emergency medical services
- maryland transportation authority
- maryland vehicle emissions inspection program
- maryland wineries association
- massage
- match
- material usage
- mbe
- mcfrs
- mcrrf
- mdbc
- mdg
- mdnr
- mdproperty view
- mechanic
- mechanical
- median
- medical examiner
- medicine
- message
- mhrp
- miemss
- mihp
- mile
- minority business enterprise
- mlgca
- moderate income housing units
- modification
- monitor
- monitoring
- month end
- month year
- monthly
- mpa
- msa
- multi
- multi-family construction
- multi-family production
- multi-family rehab
- multi-year
- multifamily
- multifamily housing
- multilingual
- municipal government
- murder
- music
- mwa
- naaqs
- naco
- name
- national
- national park service
- national register of historic places
- nationalassociationofcounties
- needy
- negative
- neighborhoods
- nerr
- network
- non
- non local
- non-conforming
- non-credit class
- none local
- noparking
- northfield
- nr
- nrcs
- nurseries
- nursing home
- nutrients
- nwi
- oakland mills community plan
- oakland mills master plan
- occupancy
- occupational and professional licensing
- ocean
- of
- offenses
- oir
- one maryland
- online
- open data act
- open for business
- operatingbudget
- opiod
- opportunity
- orders
- ordinance
- organ donor designation
- orthophtography
- outbreaks
- overdose deaths
- owen brown village center
- oxygen
- oyster
- panchromatic
- panchromatic doq
- paper
- paratransit
- parent
- parents
- park
- park manager
- parked documents
- parking lots
- parkinglots
- parklands
- participation rates
- parties
- partners
- pat
- patents
- pavement
- pawn
- payment
- payout
- pcp
- pdr
- peddlers
- pedestrian safety
- pediatrics
- per capita
- percent positive
- performance improvement
- petroleum
- phosphorus
- photocopy
- photovoltaic
- physical activity
- physician
- pickle ball
- pickleball
- picture
- place of worship
- places
- planning cadastre
- planting
- plastic
- plaza
- plumbing
- pointing
- poison
- police beat
- police district
- police response area
- policy
- political parties
- polling place
- population change
- population density
- positive tests
- possession
- postal
- postalservice
- postoffice
- postpartum
- potholes
- poverty
- poverty rate
- power
- ppa
- pqi
- pra
- pre-kindergarten
- preconception
- pregnancy prevention
- prek
- prekindergarten
- preliminary
- preowned
- preschool
- presidential
- presubmission
- prevention quality indicator
- printer
- printing
- printouts
- priority
- priority preservation area
- probation
- product
- products
- program totals
- programming
- project phase list
- promotion
- property owner
- propertybill
- proposed
- protection
- public facilities & spaces
- public information
- public schools
- public transit
- public transport
- public transportation
- publicfacilities
- publicfacility
- publicrightofway
- publicsafety
- publicschools
- pump stations
- purchase orders
- purchasing
- qcew
- radio repair
- radiorepair
- rain
- rainier
- rainscapes
- rainwater
- rds
- rec
- recommended budget
- recovery
- recreation areas
- recreationprograms
- recruitment
- recycle location
- red light
- reduced price
- reduction
- reductions
- reference
- reflexology
- refurbished
- refuse
- regional service areas
- regional services center
- regionalservicecenter
- registered
- regular
- rehab
- reimagine long reach
- reimbursements
- released
- releases
- relief funds
- religion
- religiousfacilities
- religiousorganization
- renewable
- rental housing license
- rental license
- rental rates
- research reserve
- residence
- resident population
- residential construction
- resolutions
- resource
- response area
- restriction
- retail
- retaining
- retiree
- revenue.
- revitalization
- rewards